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Savouring the Best: International Chardonnay Day Celebration
at Winmark Wines Recap

Back by popular demand, Winmark Wines hosted its second Chardonnay lunch last weekend, and it was an event to remember. The day was a perfect blend of fine wine, gourmet food, and stunning scenery, making it an unforgettable celebration of International Chardonnay Day.

The event began with guests taking a leisurely stroll through our picturesque vineyard. This immersive experience allowed attendees to soak in the beauty of the Winmark grounds and the unique sculpture park, featuring 20 exquisite sculptures curated by vigneron Karin Adcock. The combination of art and nature set a serene and inspiring tone for the day.

Guests gathered on our Alfresco Terrace for a sumptuous three-course lunch prepared by the talented Sea Salt and Sage catering team. Each dish was meticulously paired with our four finest Chardonnays, highlighting the versatility and elegance of our wines. The menu was a testament to the culinary expertise of the Sea Salt and Sage team, delighting all with flavours that perfectly complemented the wines.

Throughout the lunch, our very own winemaker John Belsham, the very knowledgeable Jesper Kjaersgaard and, Pj from Charteris Wines, and vigneron Karin Adcock shared insights about what makes Winmark Chardonnay exceptional. Their passion and knowledge about Chardonnay provided guests with a deeper appreciation of the winemaking process and the unique qualities of our wines. The engaging discussions added a rich educational layer to the delightful sensory experience.

The event was not just about excellent food and wine; it was also an opportunity to enjoy great company. Guests mingled, shared stories, and celebrated their love for Chardonnay in a beautiful setting. The atmosphere was vibrant and convivial, making it a perfect celebration of International Chardonnay Day. 

Also contributing to the vibrance of the day was Paul Eagle who has performed with us over the last 4 years with his engaging performance and for the first time ever, we had our very own Finnian Johnson opening and closing the lunch – He was a semi-finalist of the Voice. We had a surprise guest performance of the incredible sound of Craig McLachlan entertaining guests with some classic hits. Many were up dancing and singing along.

Wonderful to see how the three artists came together in an impromptu performance of “Joker” – We loved it!

Craig McLachlan performing at Winmark Wines Chardonnay Lunch 2024

Given the popularity of the event, spaces were limited, and many guests wisely booked early to secure their spots. For those travelling from afar or looking to extend their experience, we offered exclusive accommodation packages. Our Mio Monte and Rockview houses provided luxurious suites at special prices for event attendees, adding an extra layer of indulgence to the weekend.

We are thrilled with the success of our second Chardonnay lunch and look forward to hosting more such events in the future. For more information on our upcoming events and accommodation packages, please email us at Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating International Chardonnay Day at Winmark Wines. 

Cheers to more delightful gatherings ahead!

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