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Celebrate International Chardonnay Day at Winmark, 27th May 2023

Chardonnay lunch anyone?

Join us for our inaugural Chardonnay lunch at Winmark on Saturday 27th May.

Let the day kick off with a leisurely stroll amongst the vines, Chardonnay in hand, and take in the spectacular scenery and sculpture park comprising 20 sculptures curated by vigneron Karin Adcock and her artful eye.

Be treated to a superb 3 course lunch on our new Alfresco Terrace, expertly matched to our 4 Chardonnays by the talented Sea Salt & Sage catering.
Hear from our resident Chardonnay experts and Vigneron Karin Adcock about what makes the Winmark vineyard so incredibly special and the wines so unique.

It’s a great way to share excellent food, wine and company and celebrate International Chardonnay Day.

Places are limited, we recommend booking early.
Ask us about accommodation packages, we are offering individual suites within our Mio Monte and Rockview houses for guests attending the Chardonnay lunch at very special prices. Email to find out more about our accommodation packages for this event!

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